[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change]

LIOGO Settings Reference

Settings could be use for Liogo tools (LIOGOC or LIOGOI), for your application or for OLE settings using settings string. The table below show all supported parameters.



Use by

Example of value


DLLs to load at startup of Liogo runtime. Each dll name is separated from other by a coma.




LIOGO.GraphicLibrary Full assembly name for graphic library used. Core liogo-gui-winbase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=362e9af4fea849cd
LIOGO.GraphicClass .NET Class to call in the graphic library. Core LIOGO.GUI.WinBase.LogoGraphicLibrary
LIOGO.ConsoleLibrary Full assembly name for graphic library to use. Core liogo-gui-winbase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=362e9af4fea849cd
LIOGO.ConsoleClass .NET Class to call in the console library. Core LIOGO.GUI.WinBase.LogoConsoleLibrary
LIOGO.Culture.UI Language for message and interface Core fr

LIOGO.Culture.Core Language for Logo Core fr

LIOGO.Graphics.Width Window's width Graphic 500
LIOGO.Graphics.Height Window's height Graphic 400
LIOGO.Graphics.Title Window's title Graphic My square
LIOGO.Graphics.Icon Icon name for application Graphic square.ico
LIOGO.Graphics.Menu Allow menu on the window to save as an image Graphic true

LIOGO.Graphics.SplitterSize Percentage of window's height used by the console Graphic 25

LIOGO.Graphics.AutoRefreshTimeout Time in millisecond between a graphic command and an automatic refresh of the graphic window Graphic (WinForm only) 300
LIOGO.Graphics.Turtle Image used for the turtle shape Graphic C:\Program Files\Liogo\bin\turtle.gif

LIOGO.Console.PenColor Foreground color in console Console 1

255 0 0
LIOGO.Console.ScreenColor Background color in console Console 3

255 128 128
LIOGO.Console.FontName Font name to use in console Console Arial

LIOGO.Console.FontSize Font size to use in console Console 12


Here is an example of a settings file. All values must be quoted:

        <add key="LIOGO.Graphics.Width" value="400"/>
        <add key="LIOGO.Graphics.Height" value="200"/>
        <add key="LIOGO.Graphics.Title" value="My Logo compiler"/>
        <add key="LIOGO.Graphics.Icon" value="square.ico"/>
        <add key="LIOGO.LoadAtStartup" value="fact"/>

Here is an example of a setting string used in OLE Interface. All parameters are separated with a semicolon. Values are not quoted here:

	var liogo = CreateObject("Liogo.Application")
	liogo.Initialize ("LIOGO.Culture.Core=fr;LIOGO.Culture.UI=fr")